As fellow woodwind players, we know that it's super common to walk in to a music store and just buy all the books you see. Some of us (like Ana) just LOVE buying books, and we also love our instruments, so it makes perfect sense that shopping for music books brings us lots of happiness 🥰
However, when you're buying yet another tone book and expecting it to help you get even better results... this is where we want to offer our advice 🪄
Unfortunately, buying all the books about tone isn't a whole lot different than watching a bunch of free YouTube videos from random people giving their selected advice on how you should practice. (except they're not free... books are maybe $20 or $30 a pop?)
By having all those different books, you get different opinions, and can end up feeling confused about what will actually help you. Think about it: How many coaches does Simone Biles have when she trains for the world championships? She has ONE coach who she trusts to bring her to where she needs to be. Anyway, at Virtual Woodwind Academy, we provide tone exercises that are literally free downloadable pdfs and give you specific instructions on how to practice them. And if you're one of our students, you probably know... how often do we ask you to buy books on tone, technique and articulation? 🤣)...
This is because we give you one approach that works. And we explain why you might not be getting the results you need from all the band books in your music library. Just look at Brenda... who went through woodwind academy, didn't buy any books, and got moved to first chair in her band after she completed the course 🎊
So, if you're looking for a clear plan on how to level-up your playing (maybe finally playing that difficult piece you want to play, or moving up a chair in your band...)
...consider choosing one clear method to get you there. Don't go buy yet another tone or technique book and expect it to be the answer. ❤️
