Next edition ships January 20
Woodwind Digest
your monthly subscription of magical woodwind-practice tips!
Discover your monthly Woodwind Digest
Your subscription includes:
a monthly practice calendar ($50 value)
breathing, tone and technique exercises each month ($100+ value)
tune of the month and backing track ($150 value)​
That's $300 worth of practice materials at your door each month.....​
for only $19. [that's 94% off!!]

cancel subscription anytime.
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Daily prompts for what to practice! The calender helps make sure you stay on track for you goals, and continue making progress even when you're not sure what to practice.
Practice Calendar
Each month we feature a new daily exercise. In Nov, it was a breathing exercise. In Dec, it was a technique exercise. We take your feedback and cater exercises specially for you!
Monthly Exercises
Each Digest includes sheet music for your instrument (flute, clarinet, or sax), as well as a backing track to play with and instructional videos. Most tunes are pop or jazz!
Tune of the Month
It's yours for literally 94% off!!! Cancel anytime.